Meet the Volunteers

Paula Buckley

Paula grew up in Duluth, MN and has loved horses since she can remember. After high school, she attended the University of MN Agricultural School in Waseca, MN earing a 2-year degree in equine studies. This will be my 4th year volunteering and I am so thankful that I found QMA. If you are looking for an organization to donate your time or resources to, I would highly recommend QMA. I always leave with a bigger smile and a fuller heart than when I arrived. I am also an officer on the Board of Directors, please read extended biography there.

April Simmons

April has been volunteering with Quarter Moon Acres for several years now. April has always gone above and beyond the call of duty. This year she has been taking care of the class games and activities we do. We would not have QMA without April. She also has a favorite horse here at the farm. Remi and April always go on trail rides together and have developed quite a bond.

Nancy Tritt

I am Nancy Tritt and I volunteer at Quarter Moon Acres. This will be my fourth year as a volunteer. I have always been a horse lover and, for a time, we had three rescue horses. However, lacking the time and resources to train them, we rehomed them after thirteen years of being pets. I enjoy helping the clients at QMA and seeing their progress as riders. They really bloom when they are around the horses, and it is such a joy to bear witness. Of course I love being around the horses as well, and ride when I can. We hope to move into offering therapy to veterans, and being the stepmother of a former Marine, that sort of program is near and dear to my heart. QMA nourishes me, heart and soul, and I feel fortunate to have discovered such a place.

Peyton Raska

My name is Peyton Raska. I started riding 2 years ago and have gone to 2 different places for lessons. I got my first horse two months ago. I board my horse at Quarter Moon Acres and like to volunteer and help others ride.

Jamie Moe

Jamie has grown up with horses her entire life, and is one of our original volunteers. She and her horse, Missy, enjoying trail riding and working cowhorse events. Missy is also one of QMA's therapy horses!

Steve Litzkow

I'm Steve Litzkow. I am a disabled veteran that rode and drove horses for many years until a car hit my carriage after a parade and ended that life. I heard from another veteran about Quarter Moon Acres and checked it out and was able to volunteer in the barn, riding horses, being a horse handler during the classes. All of this has been very therapeutic for my and I enjoy every part of it. So grateful for this opportunity.


Hi! My name is Liz. I have volunteered with QMA since inception in 2015 and I love it! My favorite thing is seeing how the kids grow throughout the years and the confidence and strength they have gained through riding at QMA.


Hi! My name is Jeanne. The days at Quarter Moon are the best days. Patti, the volunteers and riders are the best. I enjoy trail riding and kayaking in my free time.

Tiffany Hove

Hello. My name is Tiffany Hove. I was introduced to Quarter Moon Acres last year and I've found pure enjoyment in the program, from the horses to the students. I am a horse enthusiast anyway so this just fits!.

Emily Peck

My name is Emily Peck. I was raised around horses my whole life because of Patti Andersen, who is my aunt. She has shown me everything I need to know about horses. I fell in love with them. Being able to help kids learn how to ride with how I was taught is an amazing feeling.

Suzanne Prokop

I have been volunteering at Quarter Moon Acres for 3 years now. I have been a microphone (sidewalker) for a young lady that is awesome to work with. She loves the dogs and horses and especially loves decorating the horses which we do once every summer.

Terry Guanella

My name is Terry Guanella. I have been volunteering at Quarter Moon Acres for several years now. I had horses growing up and enjoy riding QMA's horses. Watching the riders coming out of their shell while riding is very rewarding.


Hello. My name is Jonah. I love to walk with the horses and students at Quarter Moon. I enjoy trail riding and hunting in my free time.


Hi! My name is Tina. I admire all the great work Quarter Moon Acres does to help individuals blossom. The people and horses are wonderful.

Brynn Prokop

Hi, my name is Brynn Prokop. I'm really good with working with horses. I'm 11 year old and love to ride. My uncle Micah has taught me a lot about horses. I am really kind and nice. I love working with the horses at Quarter Moon Acres especially Patti because she is the best.


Hi. My name is Trinity and I love working with the horses and watching the kids be so happy while riding them. I love helping the riders do activities on the horses. But most of all, I love being with Quarter Moon Acres other friendly volunteers.

Matthew Morse

Hi! My name is Matt and I have been volunteering at Quarter Moon Acres for 3 years now. I like to watch the kid's improvement each time they ride. I also like taking pictures and videos of the riders to post on Facebook.

Greta & Rolex

Hi my name is Greta Eggert. My favorite part about volunteering here at QMA is getting to watch our riders gain confidence and skill throughout the session.


HI! I'm Veronica. I have enjoyed helping out at QMA here this summer. Everyone I have met has been super friendly and helpful. Seeing the student's smile as they ride is especially wonderful.